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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

H. Certificate Programs

Certificate programs governed by these policy guidelines are academic, credit-bearing programs that end with the awarding of a certificate rather than a graduate degree. Certificate programs established under these guidelines are designed for developing specialized skills and knowledge, as well as providing opportunities for graduate students to develop interdisciplinary knowledge and skills beyond the offerings in their Master’s program. They often have a practical or applied orientation, intended to indicate to prospective employers that the certificate holder has completed a Faculty Senate approved course of study. The following statements describe the Graduate School’s minimum quantitative requirements for a certificate program.

Any exception to these policies requires petition of the Graduate School, signed and supported by the graduate program director or deputy with documentation of curricular relevance.

H1.000 - Credit Requirements

H1.100 - Each certificate program shall require a minimum of 12 semester credits. 29 semester credits are the maximum credits for a graduate certificate without Board of Regents approval. 

H1.200 – A maximum of 6 credits of the coursework may be 4xx-level, but must include the graduate increment. Certificates greater than 15 credits can utilize up to 50%. 

H1.300 – Each graduate certificate shall have a common core of at least 6 semester credits to ensure internal coherence. 

H1.400 – In addition to elective courses, certificate programs may designate other requirements such as licensure requirements or other professionally required certificates, internships, work projects, or attendance at professional meetings and symposia. These courses should comprise no more than 3 credits for certificates requiring up to 15 credits and no more than 25% for certificates above 15 required credits. 

H1.500 - All courses for the certificate shall be completed with a minimum grade of B-. (This does not preclude programs from setting higher minimum requirements).

H2.000 - Transfer Credits / Credits Earned on Campus

Students can transfer credits taken at UM in non-degree status; see policy A9.000 on Graduate Non-Degree Status. Students in graduate non-degree status are encouraged to apply for admission to a graduate certificate as soon as they know they are likely to complete it, but no later than after having completed 9 credits. 

At least 9 semester credits must be earned on campus or from UM-delivered distance coursework. A combined total of 3 credits of coursework can transfer into a graduate certificate from outside the institution.

All transfer credits must adhere to policy C5.000 - Transfer Credits for the Master's Degree.

A graduate certificate is not a degree so credits earned in the certificate may also count towards a degree granting program. The number of credits counted towards a graduate degree is under the discretion of the program, but must meet graduate school policy (C1.300, C1.400).

H3.000 - Time Limits

All requirements for a certificate program, including the use of transfer and nondegree credits, must be completed within 5 years; 6 years for students in the School of Education. Courses that fall outside this time limit must be recertified for currency of knowledge.