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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

Associate of Science (A.S.) - Public Health

The Associate of Science degree with a concentration in Public Health is designed to introduce the student to Public Health sciences while providing a transfer pathway toward the B.S. in Public Health. To receive an Associate of Science degree with a Concentration in Public Health, students must:

  • Complete all lower-division general education requirements with a letter grade of C- or better;
  • Earn a minimum of 60 credits, at least 30 of which must be from the University of Montana;
  • Maintain an institutional cumulative GPA of 2.00 for all University of Montana courses taken for a traditional letter grade.
  • Complete 9 credits of transferable coursework in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) beyond those taken as general education requirements.
  • Complete 9 credits of transferable Public Health coursework.

Degree Specific Credits: 60

Required Cumulative GPA: 2.0


  • Missoula College students are limited to enrolling in lower-division coursework (course level 100 or 200).
  • Matriculating students may begin coursework in the autumn, spring, or summer.
  • Courses numbered below 100 do not count toward the 60 credit requirement or general education course requirements, but do fulfill financial aid credit load requirements.
  • Students may work with their advisor to develop an A.S. degree plan to best prepare them to transition to a four-year degree.

Degree Specific Requirements for an A.S. with a Concentration in Public Health

Note: Some courses required for the Associate of Science with a concentration in Business satisfy multiple Perspectives or GER Categories; visit with your advisor for more information.

Complete 9 of the following courses:9
Anthropology and Global Health
Culture & Society
Human Form and Function I
Human Form and Function II
Human Anatomy & Physiology I
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Vectors and Parasites
Microbiology for Health Sciences
Personal Health and Wellness
Basic Exercise Prescription
Reimagining Global Health: Biosocial Perspectives
Public Health Biology
Total Hours9

Minimum Required Grade: C- 

Writing Skills

Rule: Complete the following subcategories. 6 total credits required. 

Note: NOTE: Students who place into and successfully complete WRIT 201 are considered to have satisfied both the WRIT 101 and the Lower-Division Approved Writing Course General Education Requirements.

Introductory Writing Course

Note: Appropriate placement into WRIT 101/WRIT 201 required. Prerequisites may apply.

Complete one of the following courses:
WRIT 101College Writing I3
or WRIT 201 College Writing II

Minimum Required Grade: C-

Intermediate Writing Course

Complete any course designated as an Intermediate Writing Course during semester it's taken.3

Minimum Required Grade: C-


Note: Appropriate placement into mathematics courses required. 

Complete any Mathematics course level 104 or higher (excluding M 111).3-4

Minimum Required Grade: C-


Rule: A minimum of 3 credits towards each perspective category is required. 21-27 total credits required.

Note: Some courses satisfy multiple Perspectives or GER Categories; visit with your advisor for more information. Students who take the maximum number of Perspective "double-dippers" possible will be able to complete the Perspectives with a total of 21 credits.

Expressive Arts (A)

Complete a minimum 3 credits in any course with the Expressive Arts (A) designation. 3

Minimum Required Grade: C-

Literary & Artistic Studies (L)

Complete a minimum 3 credits in any course with the Literary & Artistic Studies (L) designation. 3

Minimum Required Grade: C-

Historical & Cultural Studies (H)

Complete a minimum 3 credits in any course with the Historical & Cultural Studies (H) designation. 3

Minimum Required Grade: C-

Social Sciences (S)

Complete a minimum 3 credits in any course with the Social Sciences (S) designation. 3

Minimum Required Grade: C-

Ethical & Human Values (E)

Complete a minimum 3 credits in any course with the Ethical & Human Values (E) designation. 3

Minimum Required Grade: C-

Democracy and Citizenship (Y)

Complete a minimum 3 credits in any course with the Democracy and Citizenship (Y) designation. 3

Minimum Required Grade: C-

Cultural and International Diversity (X)

Complete a minimum 3 credits in any course with the Cultural and International Diversity (X) designation. 3

Minimum Required Grade: C-

Natural Sciences (N)

Complete a minimum 6 credits in any course with the Natural Sciences (N) designation. At least one course must have a laboratory component.6
Minimum Required Grade: C- 

Additional STEM Courses for the AS Degree

Complete 9 credits of the following courses in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) beyond those taken as general education requirements.9
Contemporary Mathematics
Probability and Linear Mathematics
College Algebra
College Trigonometry
Applied Calculus
Discover Biology
Montana Ecosystems
Principles of Living Systems
Principles of Living Systems Lab
Communicating Biology
Basic Human Biology
Basic Human Biology Laboratory
Human Anatomy & Physiology I
Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab
Microbiology for Health Sciences
Microbiology Health Sciences Lab
Pharmacology and Addictions
Introduction to General Chemistry
Introduction to Physical Geology
Introduction to Physical Geology Lab
Basic Human Nutrition
Fundamentals of Physical Science
Environmental Studies:
Nature and Society
Business Technology:
Accounting Procedures I
Accounting Procedures II
Payroll Accounting
Principles of Financial Accounting
Principles of Managerial Accounting
Income Tax Fundamentals
Fundamentals of Government and Nonprofit Accounting
Medical Terminology
Medical Billing Fundamentals
Pharmaceutical Products
Medical Office Procedures
Computerized Medical Billing
Personal Finance
Introduction to Business
Issues in Sustainability
Social Media Strategy & Management
Programming with C++ I
Interdisciplinary Computer Science I
Intro to Computer Modeling
Social & Ethical Issues in CS
System Analysis and Design
Databases and SQL
Nutritional Cooking
Technical Drafting
Introduction to CAD
GIS Mapping
Civil Drafting
Principles of Microeconomics
Digital Imaging I
CCNA 1: Exploration
CCNA 2: Exploration
Introduction to Operating Systems and the Command Line
Network OS - Desktop
Network OS - Server Administration
Network OS - Infrastructure
Project Management
Enterprise Security
CCNA 3: Exploration
CCNA 4: Exploration
Cloud Systems
Computer Repair & Maintenance
Professional Certification
Digital Publishing & Design
Interactive Web II
Intro to Surveying for Engineers
Minimum Required Grade: C-  

A.S. Degree Electives

Note: Number of elective credits required varies; student needs to ensure s/he earns at least 60 total credits for the AA degree. Transfer students may count up to 30 transfer credits towards the total 60 necessary for degree. A maximum of 15 technical credits may be counted towards the total 60. (A student may use 20 technical credits towards the 60 if s/he has earned an AAS degree.)

Complete elective credits to attain the 60 credits required for the General AA degree. 13-27

Minimum Required Grade: C-