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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

Educational Leadership Ed.S.

General Graduate Program Requirements

Graduate School policies and standards can be found on the Graduate School Policies page

The minimum GPA for any graduate program is 3.0. Individual programs may require more than a 3.0 to remain in good standing. 

The minimum grade for a course to be accepted toward any requirement is C. Individual programs may require higher grades for specific courses.


  • The Educational Specialist Degree (Ed.S.) in Educational Leadership is a post-master’s-degree credential designed to prepare individuals for senior leadership positions. The degree requires a minimum of 30 hours of coursework beyond the master's degree.
  • Upon completion of coursework, or in the final semester of coursework, Ed.S. candidates are required to complete the 1-credit Seminar: Comprehensive Exam (EDLD 594).
  • Upon successful completion of comprehensive exams, a professional paper will be required for graduation. Ed.S. candidates should complete 6 credits of EDLD 599, consisting of field level research or literature review conducted by the student.

Course Requirements

Required Coursework
Complete 30 credits of EDLD 500- or 600-level courses.30
Comprehensive Exam
EDLD 594Seminar1
Professional Paper
EDLD 599Professional Paper6
Total Hours37