University of Montana Catalog 2023-2024

History Education Minor

  • This minor contains course requirements designed to meet state standards. Those interested in teaching in K-12 schools must complete the education/teaching concentration of a major in a teaching content area plus the Teacher Education Program through the Department of Teaching and Learning. Additional teaching areas can be added through completion of the education/teaching concentration of a major or education/teaching minor in that content area.
  • To complete this teaching track, you need to contact the Teaching and Learning Department. Approvals for this track must come from the Teaching and Learning Department.
  • Individuals completing this minor must also complete the education/teaching concentration of a major in another teaching content area.

Minor - History Education


Lower-Division Core16
World History Electives6
Upper-Division American History Elective3
Upper-Division European History Elective3
Teaching Methods Requirements4
Total Hours32

Degree Specific Credits: 32

Required Cumulative GPA: 2.0

Lower-Division Core

Note: Students must select either the regular or honors version of a course to apply to the requirement.

Complete all of the following courses:
HSTA 101HAmerican History I4
or HSTA 103H Honors American History I
HSTA 102HAmerican History II4
or HSTA 104H Honors American History II
HSTR 200Intro: Historical Methods1
HSTA 255Montana History3
Complete one of the following courses:4
Western Civilization I
Honors Western Civilization I
Western Civilization II
Honors Western Civilization II
Total Hours16

Minimum Required Grade: C-

World History Electives

Complete 6 credits of the following courses:6
Special Topics
History of the Bible
Early Christianity
God- Past, Puzzle, Present
Colonial Latin America
Modern Latin America
East Asian Civilizations
Islamic Civilization: Classical Age
Terrorism: Violence in the Modern World
Special Topics
Writing For History
The First Historians
Religion and Violence
Origins of Western Religion
Prophets and Prophecy
Latin America: Reform & Revolution
Latin America: Workers & Labor
History of the Ancient Near East
Iran Between Two Revolutions
Nationalism and the Modern Middle East
Special Topics
Independent Study
Historical Research Seminar
Latin American Human Rights & Memory
US-Latin America Relations
Special Topics
Independent Study
Revolution & Reform in Modern China
Total Hours6

Minimum Required Grade: C-

Upper-Division American History Electives

Complete one of the following courses:3
The American Revolution and Founding Era
Early American Republic
American Civil War Era
Birth of Modern US
America in Crisis
U.S. History: WWII to Present
U.S. in the 1950s
U.S. in the 1960s
American Military History
Movie America
America at War, 1898-Present
African American History to 1865
African American History Since 1865
African-American Struggle for Equality
Voodoo, Muslim, Church: Black Religion
The American South
Women in America: Colonial Period to Civil War
Women in America: From the Civil War to the Present
The History of American Thought to 1865
Alcohol in American History
American Constitutional History
History of American Law
Families & Children in America
Special Topics
Special topics
Environmental History
20th Century American West
Total Hours3

Minimum Required Grade: C-

Upper-Division European History Electives

Complete one of the following courses:3
Writing For History
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Age of Absolut 1648-1789
The Roman Empire
European Social and Intellectual History: The 19th Century
European Social and Intellectual History: The 20th Century
Britain 1485-1688
Britain from Revolution to Reform 1688
Democracy: Ancient to Modern
France Revolution 1789-1848
Modern France
Italy: 1300-1800
Italy: 1800-Present
Russia to 1881
Russia Since 1881
Germany: Augsburg-Bismarck
Eastern Europe
European Internal Relations
Special Topics
The Great Historians
Special Topics
Total Hours3

Minimum Required Grade: C-

Teaching Methods Requirement

Note: The EDU 497 course number is used for multiple courses. Students should register for EDU 497 Methods: 5-12 Social Studies.

Complete the following course:
EDU 497Teaching and Assessing4
Total Hours4

Minimum Required Grade: C-

Secondary Teaching Licensure

Note: For endorsement to teach History, a student also must gain admission to the Teacher Education Program and meet all the requirements for secondary teaching licensure. For more information, see the Teaching and Learning Department