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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

Gerontology Minor

Students in the Gerontology Minor program will study issues of aging from an interdisciplinary perspective and come to understand the interplay between them, including the health and medical as well as social and psychological needs of older persons. This interdisciplinary minor is housed in the College of Health, and students in any major may complete the program. Students must consult with the gerontology advisor in their department to select elective, practicum, and integrating courses that will meet the requirements of the minor.

General Degree Requirements

To earn a baccalaureate degree, all students must complete successfully, in addition to any other requirements, the University of Montana General Education Requirements. Please refer to the General Education Requirements page for more information. 

Additional requirements for graduation can be found on the Degree/Certificate Requirements for Graduation page

Unless otherwise noted in individual program requirements, a minimum grade point average of 2.00 in all work attempted at the University of Montana-Missoula is required for graduation. Please see the Academic Policies and Procedures page for information on how your GPA is calculated.

Courses taken to satisfy the requirements of a major, minor, or certificate program must be completed with a grade of C- or better unless a higher grade is noted in the program requirements.


Course Requirements

Complete all of the following courses:
AHHS 325Introduction to Gerontology3
AHHS 430Health Aspects of Aging3
PSYX 233Fundamentals of Psychology of Aging3
S W 455Social Gerontology3
Integrating Courses 1
Complete one of the following courses: 3
Acquired Communication and Swallowing Disorders (or Communicative Sciences & Disorders majors)
Exercise Disease & Aging (or Integrative Physiology and Pre-Physical Therapy majors)
Therapeutics I (for Pharmaceutical Science majors) 2
Fundamentals of Psychology of Aging (for Psychology Majors) 3
Human Behavior & Social Environment (for Social Work major)
Practicum Courses 4
Complete at least 3 credits from the following courses: 3
Geriatric Practicum (for Communicative Sciences & Disorders majors)
Internship (for Integrative Physiology and Pre-Physical Therapy majors)
Geriatric APPE (for Pharmaceutical Science majors)
Internship (for Psychology majors)
Field Work Practicum (for Social Work majors)
Electives 5
Complete 3 credits of the following courses: 3
Geriatric Health Care
Medical Ethics
Health & Family Communication
Health Economics and Policy
Philosophy & Biomedical Ethics
Fundamentals of Memory and Cognition
Trauma and Resilience
Public Health Nutrition
Family Violence
Sociology of the Family
Death, Dying and Grief
Total Hours21

This course should be chosen based upon the student's major. A similar course will be identified in other majors not listed here. Nursing students may take NRSG 314 (Concepts of Psychosocial Nursing) through Montana State University with approval of the Gerontology advisor.


Pharmacy students must complete requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences or another baccalaureate degree to receive a minor.


Psychology students must complete an additional 3 credit elective.


Nursing students may take NRSG 409 (Nursing Practice in Chronic Care) through Montana State University with approval by advisor. Students in majors that do not have access to a practicum course may enroll in AHHS 395 for 3 credits of service learning experience compatible with the student's major and interests.


 A student must take a minimum of 3 elective credits with at least 25% of the content focused on gerontology. Students may petition for approval of another elective course.