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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

Public Administration (PUAD)

PUAD 501 - Public Administration. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. Preq., Department of Public Administration and Policy majors. Advanced analysis of processes of public management; examination of public administrators' involvement in policy making. Level: Graduate

PUAD 503 - Policy Analysis. 3 Credits.

Preq., Department of Public Administration and Policy majors. The role of public administrators in the policymaking process with emphasis on methods of policy analysis and program evaluation. Level: Graduate

PUAD 504 - Organization Theory. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. Preq., Department of Public Administration and Policy majors. Concepts and theories relevant to the administration of complex organizations, including administrative structure, behavior, process and functions. Level: Graduate

PUAD 505 - Budgeting & Finance. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. Preq., Department of Public Administration and Policy majors. Seminar focusing on principles of public finance and analysis of budgeting as a primary tool of public sector management. Level: Graduate

PUAD 506 - MPA Applied Research Methods. 3 Credits.

Preq., Department of Public Administration and Policy majors.

PUAD 507 - Program Evaluation. 3 Credits.

Preq., Department of Public Administration and Policy majors.

PUAD 522 - Human Resource Management. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. Preq., Department of Public Administration and Policy majors. Study of the essential elements of human resource management, including analysis and evaluation of work, and the selection, management, and evaluation of public employees. Level: Graduate

PUAD 523 - Administrative Law. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. The legal foundations of public administration with emphasis on legislative delegation, administrative rulemaking and adjudication, judicial review, and public participation. Level: Graduate

PUAD 525 - Strategic Planning. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. Focus on the means by which public and nonprofit agencies can carry out their missions effectively. Level: Graduate

PUAD 526 - Issues in State Government. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. Examination of the evolution and development of state governments since the founding period by focusing on the basic political institutions and a broad range of public policy issues that affect governing in the states. Level: Graduate

PUAD 527 - Performance Measurement. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. Focus on the process by which organizations routinely and systematically gather data to assess progress in achieving their goals. Level: Graduate

PUAD 528 - Women, Policy, and Public Administration. 3 Credits.

Offered every other year as an elective for the Master of Public Administration Program. Level: Graduate

PUAD 529 - Introduction to Nonprofit Organizations. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. This course is one of the core courses required for MPA students completing the Nonprofit Administration Track. The course provides an introduction to nonprofit organizations and the nonprofit sector within which they are embedded. It investigates such topics as the nature of the nonprofit sector, the diverse kinds of nonprofits in existence, the phenomenon of charitable giving, philanthropy, and volunteering, and the legal framework that establishes nonprofit organizations and regulates their activities. This course is appropriate for graduate students from many disciplines in addition to MPA students due to the diverse nature of the nonprofit sector in fields such as environmental studies, communication studies, sociology, social work and law. Level: Graduate

PUAD 531 - Introduction to Public Policy. 3 Credits.

This course will rotate annually as an online and in person course offering for the Master of Public Administration's public policy certificate. Level: Graduate

PUAD 547 - Legislation. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. Focuses on the methods and issues involved in establishing effective working relationships between agencies and the legislative process. Level: Graduate

PUAD 548 - Poverty Policy. 3 Credits.

This course undertakes an in-depth study of poverty and inequality in the United States. By examining how poverty and inequality are measured, the causes and consequences of poverty and inequality, social stratification, discrimination, and structural “isms” (racism, sexism), and economic and institutional drivers of poverty and inequality, students will come away with an understanding of poverty as a “wicked problem.” With no single remedy, public servants are tasked with analyzing the wicked problem of poverty through various policy frames and consider its social construction and historical roots. Level: Graduate

PUAD 550 - Innovation in the Public Sector. 3 Credits.

Preq., Department of Public Administration and Policy majors.

PUAD 551 - Regulatory Process. 3 Credits.

Preq., Department of Public Administration and Policy majors.

PUAD 561 - Ethics in Public Administration. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. Prereq., Graduate student and Department of Public Administration and Policy majors.. Online course offered every other year. Explores the role of ethics and integrity in public administration and the moral obligations of citizenship. Level: Graduate

PUAD 591 - Special Topics. 1-9 Credits.

(R-9) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics. Level: Graduate

PUAD 592 - Independent Study. 1-6 Credits.

(R-12) Offered every term. Restricted to graduate students in the Department of Public Administration and Policy. Course material appropriate to the needs and objectives of the individual student. Level: Graduate

PUAD 598 - Internship. 1-6 Credits.

(R-6) Offered every term. Prereq., consent of instr. and Department of Public Administration and Policy majors. Offered credit/no credit only. Directed individual research and study appropriate to the back ground and objectives of the student. Level: Graduate

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