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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

Geography M.S. - Cartography and GIS

General Graduate Program Requirements

Graduate School policies and standards can be found on the Graduate School Policies page

The minimum GPA for any graduate program is 3.0. Individual programs may require more than a 3.0 to remain in good standing. 

The minimum grade for a course to be accepted toward any requirement is C. Individual programs may require higher grades for specific courses.


The Master of Science in Geography with a concentration in Cartography and GIS is appropriate for those whose work is focused on spatial mapping and analysis. Beyond the core requirements specified for the general M.S., an additional 16 credits are required for the concentration (19 if the Methods course is not a GIS class), and electives as needed to complete the 34 to 40 credits for the degree.

  • Choices in the core and elective credits will be selected in consultation with the graduate committee to support the research program and student's professional goals. Coursework must be approved by the committee no later than the second semester in residence, but earlier if possible. Per Graduate School policy:
    • At least 20 of the total credits must be taken within the major discipline.
    • At least 20 of the total credits must be in coursework, not research or thesis.
    • At least half of the coursework credits (minimum 10 credits) must be at the 500 level or above.
    • Courses below the 400 level do not count towards the M.S. course requirements.
    • Up to 10 of the 34 or 40 credits may be taken as thesis (GPHY 599).

Degree Options

For the M.S. in Geography, students are required to complete one of the following options. There is no minimum number of thesis credits that must be taken for any of the options.

Thesis Option 

This option requires the completion of 34 credits. The student must successfully complete and defend a thesis or one or more papers (i.e., articles) of publishable quality before an examining committee. 

Professional Paper Option

This option requires the completion of 34 credits. The student must successfully complete and defend a professional paper or one or more papers (i.e., articles) of publishable quality before an examining committee. The difference between a thesis and a professional paper is that while the thesis is directed toward advances in the discipline, the professional paper may be directed toward advances in the profession. A professional paper may also consist of one or more papers of publishable quality intended for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. 

Portfolio Option 

This option requires the completion of 40 credits. The student must successfully complete a portfolio and written and oral comprehensive examinations.

Course Requirements

Graduate Research Seminar
Complete one of the following courses, 1 credit per semester:2
Graduate Seminar (1 cr. per semester)
Graduate Seminar in Wildlife Biology
Graduate Research Design
Complete one of the following courses:3-4
Research Design in the Geographical Sciences I
and Research Design in Geographical Sciences II
Conservation and Social Science Methods
Fundamentals of Academic Research
Research Design
and Research Design Lab
Graduate Research Methods
Complete one of the following courses:3
Quantitative methods
Environmental Analytics
Ecological Statistics
Social Data Analysis
Statistical Methods I
Statistical Methods II
Qualitative methods
Qualitative Methods
Historical or survey methods
Advanced GIS or computer methods
Additional Graduate Seminar
Complete one of the following courses:3
Advanced Physical Geography
Seminar in Planning
Seminar GIS & Cartography
Concentration Requirements
Complete all of the following courses:
GPHY 487Remote Sensing/Raster GIS3
GPHY 488Applications of GIS3
GPHY 489Cartography/GIS Laboratory1
Concentration Electives
Complete 9 credits of the following courses:9
Sampling Methods
Community & Regional Analysis
Planning & Analysis Laboratory
Advanced Cartographic Design
Internet GIS
Cartography/GIS Laboratory
Image Analysis & Modeling
Cartography/GIS Laboratory
Wildlife Habitat Modeling
Electives and Thesis
Complete 7-12 additional credits chosen in consultation with your faculty advisor according to the selected track.7-12
Total Hours34-40

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