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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

Physical Therapy (P T)

P T 503 - PT and Health Care System. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. An introduction to physical therapy and its relationship to the health care system. Topics include introduction to PT as a profession, teaching and learning, ethics, laws and professional issues in physical therapy. Level: Graduate

P T 510 - Applied Clinical Anatomy. 5 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Anatomy of the neuromusculoskeletal system and body cavities in relation to movement and function with clinical correlates. Course lab fee. Level: Graduate

P T 516 - Movement System Exam & Eval. 5 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Principles of musculoskeletal examination and evaluation including posture, palpation, measurement of ROM and muscle performance, assessment of muscle length, and joint play. Level: Graduate

P T 519 - Musculoskeletal Management I. 3 Credits.

Offered spring. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Principles of musculoskeletal examination, evaluation, and intervention. The focus is application of clinical reasoning principles when examining movement patterns and analysis of underlying musculoskeletal impairments. Level: Graduate

P T 520 - PT & the Aging Adult. 2 Credits.

Offered spring. Restricted to students enrolled in entry-level DPT program. Presentation of changes in adults as they progress through the lifespan. Includes the functional changes associated with aging, assessing, and managing fall risk, performance, and interpretation of functional outcome measures. Level: Graduate

P T 523 - Clinical Medicine I. 1 Credit.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Introduction to medical screening and the PT exam within the Patient/Client Management model. Level: Graduate

P T 524 - Clinical Medicine II. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Introduction to pharmacology, medical management of selected orthopedic and hematological conditions. Level: Graduate

P T 525 - Clinical Medicine III. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Pathophysiology, medical and pharmacological management of oncological, immunological diseases and organ transplantation. Level: Graduate

P T 526 - Foundational Skills & Intervention. 3 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Basic skills of documentation, medical terminology, transfers, bed mobility, and gait assistive device use. Level: Graduate

P T 527 - Physical & Electrophysical Agents. 3 Credits.

Offered spring. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Physiology, indications, contraindications, and application of electrotherapy and physical agents. Theory and application of electrodiagnostic and electrotherapeutic procedures. Level: Graduate

P T 529 - Clinical Biomechanics. 5 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. The principles of biomechanics as applied to the practice of physical therapy. Level: Graduate

P T 530 - Clinically Applied Exercise Physiology. 5 Credits.

Offered spring. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Principles and applications of the physiological adaptations to acute and chronic exercise stresses and adaptations in the clinical environment. Exercise assessment/testing, prescription and progression of the exercise program is discussed. Level: Graduate

P T 531 - Prosthetics. 1 Credit.

Offered spring. Prereq. enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Information pertinent to pathology, examination, and evaluation of patients with amputations and conditions requiring prosthetics. The basic components of the course include types of devices, fitting, exercise programs, gait analysis and gait training. An overview of upper extremity prosthetics will be provided. Level: Graduate

P T 532 - Foundational Skills II. 1 Credit.

Offered spring. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Principles of soft tissue mobilization. Techniques covered include: superficial, petrissage, kneading, neuromuscular, friction massage and trigger point techniques. Instruction regarding indications, precautions, contraindications, draping, position, and primacy issues included. Level: Graduate

P T 533 - Musculoskeletal Management II. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Examination, evaluation, and intervention of musculoskeletal disorders of the lumbar spine and pelvis including sacroiliac dysfunction, genitourinary issues, obstetrics, incontinence, and pelvic pain. Level: Graduate

P T 536 - Neurosciences. 5 Credits.

Offered spring. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Anatomy of the head and neck, and neuroanatomy of the human nervous system with emphasis on evaluation of central nervous system lesions and pathological conditions, clinical applications to physical therapy. Level: Graduate

P T 560 - Clinical Reasoning I. 1 Credit.

Offered spring. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Introduction to the clinical reasoning process in physical therapy. Level: Graduate

P T 563 - Cardiopulmonary PT. 3 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Physical therapy assessment and interventions for patients with cardiovascular and/or pulmonary disease. Includes cardiovascular and pulmonary pathology, pharmacology, and differential diagnosis. Level: Graduate

P T 565 - Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2 Credits.

Offered spring. Restricted to students enrolled in entry-level DPT program. Typical and atypical development throughout childhood. Physical therapy examination, evaluation and intervention of children with neuromotor and musculoskeletal dysfunction. Introduction to the various pediatric practice settings. Level: Graduate

P T 567 - Neurorehabilitation I. 4 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Neurologic physical therapy assessment and intervention of adults. Principles of neuroplasticity, motor control, motor learning and application to physical therapy neurorehabilitation. Includes wheelchair seating and mobility assessment and prescription. Level: Graduate

P T 568 - Neurorehabilitation II. 3 Credits.

Offered spring. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Neurologic physical therapy assessment and intervention of adults. Principles of neuroplasticity, motor control, motor learning and application to physical therapy neurorehabilitation. Includes assessment and treatment of vestibular system and conditions. Level: Graduate

P T 569 - Musculoskeletal Mgt III. 4 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Principles of musculoskeletal examination, evaluation, and intervention for the hip, knee, ankle, and foot. Level: Graduate

P T 570 - Psychosocial Aspects of Health and Wellness. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Psychosocial aspects of health and wellness including social/societal determinants for people from diverse backgrounds throughout the lifespan. Level: Graduate

P T 572 - Practice & Administration. 4 Credits.

Offered spring. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Practice management and operations. Includes strategic planning, human resource management, regulatory compliance/risk management, quality improvement, clinical coding, billing instruction, and career development. Level: Graduate

P T 573 - Musculoskeletal Management IV. 6 Credits.

Offered spring. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Principles of musculoskeletal examination, evaluation, and intervention for the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, temporomandibular joint (TMJ), thoracic, and cervical spine. Level: Graduate

P T 576 - Clinical Reasoning II. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. This course will build on the foundations established in Clinical Reasoning I and utilize reflections from the first summer Clinical Experience. The principles of evidence based practice (EBP), including the application of evidence and the creation of evidence (both quantitative and qualitative), limitations of EBP and its role in the changing health care environment, critical appraisal of the literature, statistical knowledge, and weighing evidence for clinical decision making will be discussed. Issues related to clinical and research ethics will also be discussed. Level: Graduate

P T 582 - Clinical Clerkship. 1 Credit.

Offered spring. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. A mix of classroom and clinical experiences to introduce students to the expectations of professional practice. CR/NCR grading. Level: Graduate

P T 583 - Integrated Clinical Experience I. 2 Credits.

Offered spring. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. An integrated, part-time clinical experience with emphasis on patient evaluation, treatment and professional development. Only CR/NCR grading. Level: Graduate

P T 584 - Integrated Clinical Experience II. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. An integrated, part-time clinical experience with emphasis on patient evaluation, treatment and professional development. CR/NCR grading. Level: Graduate

P T 587 - Full -Time Clinical Experience I. 6 Credits.

Offered summer. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Eight weeks of full-time clinical experience with emphasis on developing patient evaluation and treatment skills. Only CR/NCR grading. Level: Graduate

P T 589 - Full-Time Clinical Experience II. 6 Credits.

Offered summer. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or permission of instructor. Eight weeks of full-time clinical experience with emphasis on learning about administrative issues, problem solving, time management, and communication skills. Continuation of development of patient treatment and evaluation skills. Only CR/NCR grading. Level: Graduate

P T 595 - Field Work/Clinical. 1-4 Credits.

(R-4) Level: Graduate

P T 626 - Clinical Medicine IV. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereqs., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Course will focus on the role of the physical therapist in a Direct Access environment. Pathology, differential screening, pharmacotherapeutics, evaluation and management of gastrointestinal, endocrine/metabolic and hepatobiliary disease. Level: Graduate

P T 627 - Prevention & Wellness Education. 3 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereqs., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Principles of public health and epidemiology as they relate to health prevention and wellness with an emphasis on clinical application and face-to-face patient interaction in the physical therapy setting. Level: Graduate

P T 629 - Clinical Medicine V. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereqs., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Course will focus on evaluation, differential screening, pharmacology, and management of integumentary disorders. Includes wound assessment and treatment. Level: Graduate.

P T 650 - Screening for Medical Disorder. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn and spring. Prereq. Enrolled in t-DPT curriculum. PT's role, responsibilities, and decision-making processes regarding appropriate referral of a patient to a physician for evaluation of medical conditions outside the scope of physical therapy. Level: Graduate

P T 651 - Medical Imaging in Rehabilitation. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn, summer. Prereq. Enrolled in t-DPT curriculum. Provide the physical therapy clinical learner with the tools needed to interpret and apply specialized medical imaging information to the rehabilitation patient. Level: Graduate

P T 652 - Pharmacology in Rehabilitation. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn, spring. Prereq., in a PT curriculum. Provide clinical learners with the primary drug classes and the physiologic basis of their action. Level: Graduate

P T 653 - Legal and Ethical Issues. 1 Credit.

Offered spring, summer. Prereq. Enrolled in a PT curriculum. Foundational information as to the legal, ethical and administrative decision making process often facing physical therapists in clinical practice. Level: Graduate

P T 654 - Clinical Decision Making: Current Principles & Concepts. 1 Credit.

Offered autumn, spring. Prereq. Enrolled in a PT curriculum. Provide ways to utilize the Guide to PT Practice for effective and efficient clinical decision making. Level: Graduate

P T 655 - Business and Marketing. 2 Credits.

Offered spring, summer. Prereq. Enrolled in a PT curriculum. Enhance the PT clinical learners appreciation of business and management practices needed to succeed within the current healthcare landscape. Level: Graduate

P T 656 - Coding and Reimbursement. 1 Credit.

Offered autumn, summer. Prereq., enrolled in a PT curriculum. Educate the clinical learner in analyzing reimbursement of current billing, accounts receivable, collection procedures and use of proper coding. Not required for students completing the post-professional DPT program practicing outside the US. Level: Graduate

P T 657 - Professionalism. 2 Credits.

Prereq. Enrolled in a PT curriculum. This seminar course provides the clinical learner with the opportunity to analyze and discuss the roles/responsibilities and challenges/opportunities inherent in doctoral level physical therapy practice. Only CR/NCR grading. Level: Graduate

P T 658 - Critical Assessment. 3 Credits.

Offered autumn, spring. Prereq. Enrolled in t-DPT curriculum. Develop skills in the application of evidence-based practice as a model for effective clinical decision-making. Level: Graduate

P T 659 - Capstone Project. 4 Credits.

Prereq. Enrolled in t-DPT curriculum. Development of the skills needed by physical therapists to fulfill their role as effective participants in the research process. Guide student through the capstone case report completion process. Only CR/NCR grading. Level: Graduate

P T 660 - Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn, spring, summer.  Prereq., enrolled in t-DPT curriculum.  PT's role, responsibilities, and decision-making processes regarding patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Level: Graduate

P T 661 - Management of Cardiovascular or Pulmonary Disorders. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn, spring and summer.  prereq., Enrolled in t-DPT curriculum.  PT's role, responsibilities and decision-making processes regarding appropriate patient management of persons with cardiovascular and/or pulmonary disorders. Level: Graduate

P T 662 - Management of Neuro Disorders. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn, spring, summer.  Prereq., enrolled in t-DPT curriculum.  PT's role, responsibilities, and decision-making processes regarding patients with neurological disorders. Level: Graduate

P T 663 - Management of Integumentary Disorders. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn, spring, summer.  Prereq., Enrolled in t-DPT curriculum.  PT's role, responsibilities, and decision-making processes regarding patients with integumentary disorders. Level: Graduate

P T 664 - Wellness and Health Promotion. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn, spring, summer.  Prereq., Enrolled in t-DPT curriculum.  PT's role, responsibilities, and decision-making processes regarding patient/client involvement with wellness and health promotion. Level: Graduate

P T 672 - Research in PT. 2 Credits.

Offered autumn and spring. Prereqs., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Data analysis, writing of research manuscript, presentation of project. Level: Graduate

P T 676 - Clinical Reasoning III. 3 Credits.

Offered autumn. Prereqs., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Course addresses critical appraisal of complex research designs and clinical reasoning related to the provision of evidence-informed care. Level: Graduate

P T 679 - Trends & Scholarly Activity. 1-6 Credits.

(R-6) Offered autumn and spring. Prereqs., Enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Students are required to complete at least 6 credits during their 2nd and 3rd years. Seminar sections that focus on advanced clinical topics in physical therapy and/or engagement in research with an individual faculty advisor. Traditional or CR/NCR grading as determined by instructor. Level: Graduate

P T 680 - Clinical Internship. 11 Credits.

Offered spring. Prereq., enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Final summative experience is a 15 week clinical internship. Includes writing and presentation of case study or special project. CR/NCR grading. Level: Graduate

P T 690 - Research. 1-10 Credits.

(R-10) Prereq., consent of instr. Traditional or CR/NCR grading as determined by instructor. Level: Graduate

P T 691 - Special Topics. 1-6 Credits.

(R-6) Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics. Traditional or CR/NCR grading as determined by instructor. Level: Graduate

P T 692 - Independent Study. 1-4 Credits.

(R-6) Prereq., Enrolled in entry-level DPT program or consent of instructor. Traditional or CR/NCR grading as determined by instructor. Level: Graduate

P T 694 - Seminar/Workshop. 1-6 Credits.

(R-6) Traditional or CR/NCR grading as determined by course instructor. Level: Graduate

P T 699 - Thesis/Dissertation. 1-10 Credits.

(R-10)  Offered every term. Only CR/NCR grading. Preparation of a thesis or manuscript based on research for presentation and/or publication. Level: Graduate

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