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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

Creative Writing (CRWR)

CRWR 115L - Montana Writers Live. 3 Credits.

(R-6) Offered autumn. Open to all majors. An introduction to Montana’s practicing creative writers and their work through reading, live performances and discussion. Regional poets and prose writers will read from their work and lead class discussion. Students prepare questions developed from readings and criticism.

Gen Ed Attributes: Literary & Artistic Studies

CRWR 191 - Special Topics. 1-6 Credits.

(R-6) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.

CRWR 210A - Introductory Fiction Workshop. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. Offered on Mountain Campus and at Missoula College. This beginning writing workshop emphasizes the reading, discussion, and revision of students' short fiction. Students will be introduced to the technical elements of writing fiction. No prior experience in writing short fiction required.

Gen Ed Attributes: Expressive Arts

CRWR 211A - Introductory Poetry Workshop. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. This beginning writing workshop focuses on the reading, discussion, and revision of students' poems. Students will study and use models of poetic techniques. No prior experience in writing poetry required.

Gen Ed Attributes: Expressive Arts

CRWR 212A - Introductory Nonfiction Workshop. 3 Credits.

A study of the art of nonfiction through reading and responding to contemporary nonfiction and the writing of original nonfiction works. Focus is on creative expression, writing technique and nonfiction forms. Students begin with writing exercises and brief essays, advancing to longer forms as the semester progresses.

Gen Ed Attributes: Expressive Arts

CRWR 234 - The Oval: Literary Magazine. 3 Credits.

(R-6) Offered Spring, Mountain Campus. This course is open to undergraduates who have completed at least one semester of creative writing. Students focus on the editing, design, layout and marketing of The Oval, University of Montana's undergraduate literary magazine. Students will read, discuss and develop responses to to recongnized literary works, as well as developing criteria for each volume's content and design. The class will include the evaluation and selection of fiction, nonfiction, poetry and visual art submissions to The Oval. Students are required to keep a reading journal, and compile a portfolio of writing exercises, responses to texts and critiques of published works.

CRWR 240A - Introduction to Creative Writing Workshop. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. Offered at Missoula College. Beginning writing workshop designed for students to explore genres of creative writing with opportunities for students to write, and revise using genre-specific writing techniques.

Gen Ed Attributes: Expressive Arts

CRWR 291 - Special Topics. 1-6 Credits.

(R-6) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.

CRWR 310 - Intermediate Fiction Workshop. 3 Credits.

(R-9) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., CRWR 210A. An intermediate fiction writing workshop. Students will be expected to finish 3 or 4 substantial stories for the course. Although some outside material will be considered, the primary emphasis will be analysis and discussion of student work.

CRWR 311 - Intermediate Poetry Workshop. 3 Credits.

(R-9) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., CRWR 211A. An intermediate workshop involving critical analysis of students' work-in-progress as well as reading and discussion of poems in an anthology. Numerous directed writing assignments, experiments, exercises focused on technical considerations like diction, rhythm, rhyme, and imagery.

CRWR 312A - Intermediate Nonfiction Workshop. 3 Credits.

(R-9) Prereq., CRWR 212A or CRWR 210A. An intermediate nonfiction workshop. Students read and respond to model essays, in addition to creating and revising original essays for workshop review. Assignments and exercises focus on writing craft and research techniques.

Gen Ed Attributes: Expressive Arts

CRWR 320 - The Art and Craft of Revision. 3 Credits.

(R-6) Offered spring. Prereq., CRWR 210A or consent of instr. An intermediate writing course focused on revision of prose works-in-progress and study of narrative, plot, and editing at the language level. Materials include craft manuals, contemporary and classic examples, and student manuscripts.

CRWR 391 - Special Topics. 1-9 Credits.

(R-9) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics.

CRWR 392 - Independent Study. 1-3 Credits.

CRWR 398 - Internship. 1-3 Credits.

(R-9) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of faculty supervisor, department chair, and the Internship Services Office.

CRWR 410 - Advanced Fiction Workshop. 2-3 Credits.

(R-6) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., junior standing and CRWR 310. An advanced writing workshop in which student manuscripts are read and critiqued. Rewriting of work already begun (in CRWR 310 classes) will be encouraged. Level: Undergraduate-Graduate

CRWR 411 - Advanced Poetry Workshop. 2-3 Credits.

(R-6) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., junior standing and CRWR 311. An advanced writing workshop involving critical analysis of students' work-in-progress, as well as reading and discussion of poems by established poets. Discussions will focus on structure and stylistic refinement, with emphasis on revision. Different techniques, schools and poetic voices will be encouraged. Frequent individual conferences. Level: Undergraduate-Graduate

CRWR 412 - Advanced Nonfiction Workshop. 3 Credits.

(R-6) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., junior standing and CRWR 312A. An advanced creative writing workshop focused primarily on reading and writing nonfiction; some classes may focus on personal essay, narrative nonfiction or short forms.  Students complete two substantial essays. Level: Undergraduate-Graduate

CRWR 425 - Storytelling. 3 Credits.

This course is open to both undergraduate and graduate students, and is not limited to English majors. In-class exercises and out-of-class assignments are designed to help students identify, develop, and demonstrate effective narrative practices in their chosen fields. Students learn to recognize and identify unifying themes, motifs, and ideas in literature and oral stories. Students will read, write, edit and present stories to the class, as well as providing a critique of their peers' work. Level: Undergraduate-Graduate

CRWR 480 - Fiction Capstone. 3 Credits.

Offered autumn or spring. Restricted to students in the Creative Writing BFA program. Prereq., CRWR 410 or CRWR 411 or CRWR 412 with a minimum grade of B. The BFA capstone is the ultimate course for students prior to graduation. This is a hands-on course and a mentorship, though some elements maybe be offered electronically. Level: Undergraduate

CRWR 481 - Poetry Capstone. 3 Credits.

Offered autumn or spring. Restricted to students in the Creative Writing BFA program. Prereq., CRWR 410 or CRWR 411 or CRWR 412 with a minimum grade of B. The poetry capstone is the ultimate course for students receiving a BFA with a poetry emphasis. This is a hands-on mentoring course that may use some electronic components. Level: Undergraduate

CRWR 482 - Nonfiction Capstone. 3 Credits.

Offered autumn or spring. Restricted to students in the Creative Writing BFA program. Prereq., CRWR 410 or CRWR 411 or CRWR 412 with a minimum grade of B. The nonfiction capstone is the ultimate course for students receiving a BFA with a nonfiction emphasis. This is a hands-on mentoring course that may use some electronic components. Level: Undergraduate

CRWR 491 - Special Topics. 1-6 Credits.

(R-6) Offered Intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics. Level: Undergraduate-Graduate

CRWR 492 - Independent Study. 1-9 Credits.

(R-9) Offered every term. Prereq., consent of instr. and department chair, and junior or senior standing. Special projects in creative writing. Only one 492 may be taken per semester. Level: Undergraduate

CRWR 496 - Service Learning. 1-3 Credits.

(R-9) Offered every term. Prereq., consent of instr. and department chair, and junior or senior standing. Special projects in creative writing. Only one 496 may be taken per semester. Level: Undergraduate

CRWR 510 - Fiction Workshop. 1-15 Credits.

(R-15) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. Level: Graduate

CRWR 511 - Poetry Workshop. 1-15 Credits.

(R-15) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. Level: Graduate

CRWR 512 - Nonfiction Workshop. 1-15 Credits.

(R-15) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. A creative writing workshop focused primarily on personal essay and narrative nonfiction. Attention given to writing and publishing professional magazine essays. Students complete two substantial essays. Level: Graduate

CRWR 513 - Techniques of Nonfiction. 1-6 Credits.

(R-6) Offered once every 2 years. Prereq., consent of instr. Study of form, technique and style in contemporary nonfiction. Level: Graduate

CRWR 514 - Techniques of Modern Fiction. 1-6 Credits.

(R-6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Intensive reading of contemporary prose writers. Level: Graduate

CRWR 515 - Traditional Prosody. 3 Credits.

Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Intensive practice and readings in prosodic and other poetic techniques. Level: Graduate

CRWR 591 - Special Topics. 1-9 Credits.

(R-24) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics. Level: Graduate

CRWR 592 - Independent Study. 1-9 Credits.

(R-9) Offered every term. Requires consent of instructor. Course material appropriate to the needs and objectives of the individual student and special projects in creative writing. Level: Graduate

CRWR 598 - Internship. 1-6 Credits.

(R-6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of faculty supervisor, department chair, and the Internship Services Office. Level: Gradaute

CRWR 599 - Thesis. 1-12 Credits.

(R-12) Offered every term. Preparation of a thesis or manuscript based on research for presentation and/or publication. Level: Graduate

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