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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

Microbiology B.S.

General Degree Requirements

To earn a baccalaureate degree, all students must complete successfully, in addition to any other requirements, the University of Montana General Education Requirements. Please refer to the General Education Requirements page for more information. 

Additional requirements for graduation can be found on the Degree/Certificate Requirements for Graduation page

Unless otherwise noted in individual program requirements, a minimum grade point average of 2.00 in all work attempted at the University of Montana-Missoula is required for graduation. Please see the Academic Policies and Procedures page for information on how your GPA is calculated.

Courses taken to satisfy the requirements of a major, minor, or certificate program must be completed with a grade of C- or better unless a higher grade is noted in the program requirements.


Microbiology is the study of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa. This general microbiology concentration emphasizes microbial structure and function as well as interactions with humans. This is a graduate prep program and is appropriate for students interested in research careers in academia or private or government laboratories. It is also an excellent concentration for pre-medical sciences students.

Course Requirements

Biology/Microbiology Lower-Division Core
Complete all of the following courses:
BIOB 160Principles of Living Systems3
BIOB 161NPrinciples of Living Systems Lab1
BIOB 170NPrinciples of Biological Diversity3
BIOB 171NPrinciples of Biological Diversity Lab2
BIOB 260Cellular and Molecular Biology4
BIOB 272Genetics and Evolution4
Upper-Division Microbiology Core Courses
Complete all of the following courses:
BIOM 360General Microbiology3
BIOM 361General Microbiology Lab2
BIOM 410Microbial Genetics3
BIOM 411Experimental Microbial Genetics Lab1
BIOM 415Microbial Diversity Ecology & Evolution3
BIOM 450Microbial Physiology3
BIOM 451Microbial Physiology Lab1
Complete either one semester or one year of Biochemistry courses: 4-6
Advanced Biochemistry I
and Advanced Biochemistry II
Additional Upper-Division Depth Courses in Microbiology
Complete 10-12 credits from the following courses (labs must be taken if available). 10 credits if BCH 480/BCH 482 was taken; 12 credits if BCH 380 was taken.10-12
and Immunology Laboratory
Phylogenics and Evolution
General Ecology
Pathogenic Microbes
and Pathogenic Microbes Laboratory
Clinical Diagnosis
and Clinical Diagnosis Lab
Host-Microbe Interactions
General Parasitology
and General Parasitology Lab
Ecology of Infectious Diseases
Advanced Undergraduate Research
Complete all of the following courses:
M 162Applied Calculus4
or M 171 Calculus I
STAT 216Introduction to Statistics4
College Chemistry I
and College Chemistry I Lab
College Chemistry II
and College Chemistry II Lab
CHMY 221
CHMY 222
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHMY 223
CHMY 224
Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry II Lab
CHMY 311Analytical Chemistry-Quantitative Analysis4
Complete one of the following Physics sequences: 10
Algebra- and Trigonometry-based Physics:
College Physics I
and College Physics I Laboratory
College Physics II
and College Physics II Laboratory
Calculus-based Physics:
Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus I
and Physics Laboratory I with Calculus
Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus II
and Physics Laboratory II with Calculus
Advanced Writing Requirement
Complete the equivalent of a full writing course (either three 1/3 writing courses or one 2/3 writing course + one 1/3 writing course or one complete writing course). The Microbiology degree requires one 2/3 writing course (BIOM 411). The Advanced Writing Requirement is completed with one more course chosen from any of the courses on the list below.3
Total Hours92-96

The lower-division core should be completed before attempting most upper-division major courses. AP Biology credit with a score of 3 may be substituted for either BIOB 160/BIOB 161N or BIOB 170N/BIOB 171N.

Advanced Writing Distributed Model Courses for Biological Sciences

1/3 Advanced Writing Courses
BCH 482Advanced Biochemistry II3
BIOB 410Immunology3
BIOB 425Advanced Cellular & Molecular Biology3
BIOB 483Phylogenics and Evolution3
BIOE 403Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy4
BIOE 428Freshwater Ecology0,5
BIOM 402Pathogenic Microbes3
BIOO 320General Botany5
BIOO 434Plant Physiology Lab1
BIOO 470Ornithology4
BIOO 475Mammalogy4
2/3 Advanced Writing Courses
BCH 486Biochemistry Research Lab3
BCH 499Senior Thesis/Capstone3-6
BIOB 411Immunology Laboratory2
BIOB 499Undergraduate Thesis3-6
BIOE 342Field Ecology5
BIOE 371General Ecology Lab (equivalent to 271)2
BIOM 411Experimental Microbial Genetics Lab1
BIOM 499Undergraduate Thesis3-6
Complete Advanced Writing Course
BIOH 462Principles of Medical Physiology3
BIOM 420Host-Microbe Interactions3