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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

Athletic Training (ATEP)

ATEP 534 - Emergency Management in Athletic Training. 3 Credits.

Prereq., Athletic Training Student. Serves as an introduction to athletic training practice. Emphasis on the prevention, care, and management of acute injuries and illnesses, as well as risk management, environmental concerns, and protective taping and equipment. Level: Graduate

ATEP 536 - Foundations of Health Care in Athletic Training. 2 Credits.

This course presents the overarching framework, principles, and core responsibilities of athletic training practice working in multidisciplinary healthcare teams. The course also provides the necessary foundation for athletic training practice focusing on patient-centered care, interprofessional practice, evidence-based practice, quality improvement and healthcare informatics. Level: Graduate

ATEP 537 - Foundations of Research and Evidence Based Practice in Athletic Training. 2 Credits.

This course explores quantitative and qualitative research methodologies used in athletic training and evaluation of published research in the field. The course will introduce evidence-based practice research, provide strategies for reading and writing critically, and offer a plan to applying evidence-based practice in daily clinical practice. Level: Graduate

ATEP 540 - Practicum in Athletic Training I. 3 Credits.

Prereq., Athletic Training Student. Builds on skills previously acquired and introduces new skills related to current coursework. Students will be assigned to a clinical education rotation under the direct supervision of a clinical preceptor. First in the series of four practicum courses. Level: Graduate

ATEP 541 - Practicum in Athletic Training II. 3 Credits.

Prereq., Athletic Training Student. Expands on skills previously acquired and introduces new skills related to current coursework. Students will be assigned to a clinical education rotation under the direct supervision of a clinical preceptor. Second in the series of four practicum courses. Level: Graduate

ATEP 543 - Orthopedic Assessment I. 3 Credits.

Provides a study of anatomy and physiology, assessment, evaluation techniques, treatment, and management of conditions affecting the lower extremities and lumbar spine. Level: Graduate

ATEP 545 - Diagnosis and Management of Sports Related Concussion. 2 Credits.

This course discusses assessment techniques commonly used in the clinical evaluation of sport related concussion. The course also provides the necessary foundation for establishing inter-professional care teams to treat sport related concussion. Level: Graduate

ATEP 546 - General Medical Assessment. 3 Credits.

Prereq., Athletic Training Student. Examines the recognition, assessment, and management of general medical conditions and illnesses. Level: Graduate

ATEP 547 - Orthopedic Assessment II. 3 Credits.

Provides a study of anatomy and physiology, assessment, evaluation techniques, treatment, and management of conditions affecting the upper extremities, head, and thoracic and cervical spine. Level: Graduate

ATEP 550 - Practicum in Athletic Training III. 3 Credits.

Prereq., Athletic Training Student. Broadens skills previously acquired and introduces new skills related to current coursework. Students will be assigned to a clinical education rotation under the direct supervision of a clinical preceptor. Third in the series of four practicum courses. Level: Graduate

ATEP 551 - Practicum in Athletic Training IV. 3 Credits.

Prereq., Athletic Training Student. Reviews and refines skills previously acquired and evaluated in previous coursework. Students will be assigned to a clinical education rotation under the direct supervision of a clinical preceptor. Fourth in the series of four practicum courses. Level: Graduate

ATEP 560 - Clinical Immersion in Athletic Training I. 2 Credits.

Practice intensive experience that allows the student to experience the totality of care provided by athletic trainers. Students will be assigned to a clinical education rotation under the direct supervision of a clinical preceptor. This is the first in the series of three immersion courses. Level: Graduate

ATEP 561 - Clinical Immersion in Athletic Training II. 6 Credits.

Practice intensive experience that allows the student to experience the totality of care provided by athletic trainers. Students will be assigned to a clinical education rotation under the direct supervision of a clinical preceptor. This is the second in the series of three immersion courses. Level: Graduate

ATEP 562 - Clinical Immersion in Athletic Training III. 4 Credits.

Practice intensive experience that allows the student to experience the totality of care provided by athletic trainers. Students will be assigned to a clinical education rotation under the direct supervision of a clinical preceptor. This is the third in the series of three immersion courses. Level: Graduate

ATEP 569 - Clinical Anatomy Laboratory. 1 Credit.

Offered Fall. Prereq., Athletic Training Student. Clinical applications of anatomy in Athletic Training. Laboratory time for practical applications including prosected cadavers, surface anatomy, osteology, radiology, functional analysis of movement, applied clinical anatomy and sports application. Level: Graduate

ATEP 574 - Manual Therapy Techniques. 3 Credits.

Offered summer. Prereq., ATEP 572. Theories and application methods of comprehensive manual therapy for athletic injuries. Level: Graduate

ATEP 576 - Performance and Technology in Athletic Training. 3 Credits.

Grounded in return-to-competition decision making, the course material covers all aspects of sport performance including nutrition and methods of physical training. Technologies are integrated in movement analyses to help quantify athletic movements and support clinical decisions. Level: Graduate

ATEP 580 - Pharmacology for Sports Medicine. 1 Credit.

Prereq., graduate level student. Explores the pharmaceutical and chemical processes of therapeutic interventions and therapies. This course examines the constraints placed on patients in the performance environment as well management, protocols, and legal issues. Level: Graduate

ATEP 581 - Therapeutic Interventions I. 3 Credits.

Theories and application methods of comprehensive therapeutic treatment, modalities and rehabilitation programs for injuries commonly sustained by the physically active to the lower extremity. The first course in a series of three courses. Level: Graduate

ATEP 583 - Therapeutic Interventions II. 3 Credits.

Theories and application methods of comprehensive therapeutic treatment, modalities and rehabilitation programs for injuries commonly sustained by the physically active to the upper extremity. The second in a series of three courses. Level: Graduate

ATEP 585 - Therapeutic Interventions III. 3 Credits.

Theories and application of methods of comprehensive manual therapy and joint manipulation techniques for the treatment of athletic injuries. Level: Graduate

ATEP 588 - Healthcare Administration and Leadership in Athletic Training. 3 Credits.

Exploration of the aspects of athletic training leadership styles, organization and administration. This course focuses on program leadership, risk management, policy and procedure development, and organizational operations. Level: Graduate

ATEP 590 - Research. 2 Credits.

This course explores quantitative and qualitative research methodologies used in athletic training and evaluation of published research in the field, including but not limited to: quality improvement projects, novel research, case studies, and systematic reviews. The first course of this series involves developing and completing a practice-based research project, culminating in the creation and submission of research abstracts. Level: Graduate

ATEP 594 - Seminar in Athletic Training. 1 Credit.

This course provides an opportunity for students to engage in conversations with clinical experts focused on transition to clinical practice. Level: Graduate

ATEP 599 - Research Capstone in Athletic Training. 2 Credits.

This course explores quantitative and qualitative research methodologies used in athletic training and evaluation of published research in the field, including but not limited to: quality improvement projects, novel research, case studies, and systematic reviews. The second course of this series involves disseminating a practice-based research project, culminating in the creation of a final written document and presentations. Level: Graduate