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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

Computer Science B.S. - Algorithm Design

General Degree Requirements

To earn a baccalaureate degree, all students must complete successfully, in addition to any other requirements, the University of Montana General Education Requirements. Please refer to the General Education Requirements page for more information. 

Additional requirements for graduation can be found on the Degree/Certificate Requirements for Graduation page

Unless otherwise noted in individual program requirements, a minimum grade point average of 2.00 in all work attempted at the University of Montana-Missoula is required for graduation. Please see the Academic Policies and Procedures page for information on how your GPA is calculated.

Courses taken to satisfy the requirements of a major, minor, or certificate program must be completed with a grade of C- or better unless a higher grade is noted in the program requirements.


Course Requirements

Computer Science Core Courses
Complete all of the following courses:
CSCI 106Careers in Computer Science1
CSCI 150Introduction to Computer Science3
CSCI 151Interdisciplinary Computer Science I3
CSCI 152Interdisciplinary Computer Science II3
CSCI 232Intermediate Data Structures and Algorithms4
CSCI 258Web Application Development3
CSCI 315EComputers, Ethics, and Society (fulfills the Advanced Writing Requirement)3
CSCI 332Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms3
CSCI 340Database Design3
M 171Calculus I4
M 225Introduction to Discrete Mathematics3
Science Core
Rule: Complete 1 of the following subcategories of science sequences. 9-10 total credits required.9-10
Biology Sequence Option
Principles of Living Systems
Principles of Living Systems Lab
Principles of Biological Diversity
Principles of Biological Diversity Lab
Chemistry Sequence Option
College Chemistry I
College Chemistry I Lab
College Chemistry II
College Chemistry II Lab
Physics Sequence Option
Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus I
Physics Laboratory I with Calculus
Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus II
Physics Laboratory II with Calculus
Science Electives
Complete two of the following courses. Laboratory courses must be taken in conjunction with their associated lecture course. The Biology, Chemistry, or Physics sequence chosen to fulfill the science core may not count toward the science electives requirement.6-10
Planetary Astronomy
and Planetary Astronomy Lab
Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe
and Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe Lab
Principles of Living Systems
and Principles of Living Systems Lab
Principles of Biological Diversity
and Principles of Biological Diversity Lab
Microbiology for Health Sciences
and Microbiology Health Sciences Lab
College Chemistry I
and College Chemistry I Lab
College Chemistry II
and College Chemistry II Lab
Forest Biometrics
Introduction to Physical Geology
and Introduction to Physical Geology Lab
Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus I
and Physics Laboratory I with Calculus
Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus II
and Physics Laboratory II with Calculus
Modern Physics
Advanced Physics Lab
Communication Requirement
Complete one of the following courses: 3
Introduction to Public Speaking
Algorithm Design Concentration Core Courses
Complete all of the following courses:
M 172Calculus II4
M 221Introduction to Linear Algebra4
STAT 342Probability and Simulation3
CSCI 361Computer Architecture3
CSCI 432Advanced Algorithm Topics3
Algorithm Design Concentration Algorithm Development Elective
Complete 6 credits of the following courses:6
Computational Biology
Applied Parallel Computing Techniques
Special Topics (Software Optimization or Cybersecurity)
Algorithm Design Concentration Upper-Division Computer Science Electives
Complete 15 credits of upper-division CSCI courses and as many as 3 credits of approved upper division math elective.15
Approved upper division math elective - May be taken in place of one upper division CS elective:
Discrete Optimization
Linear Optimization
Deterministic Models
Numerical Analysis
Graph Theory
Probability Theory
Total Hours89-94