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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

Environmental and Nature Writing Certificate

The Certificate in Environmental and Nature Writing (ENW) offers students multiple course opportunities to practice and improve their understanding of and skills in writing about nature and the environment, as well as in evaluating and critiquing such writing.  It provides hands-on internship experiences with a biannual environmental literary journal and an annual community reading series, both run by EVST graduate students and advised by EVST faculty.

General Certificate Requirements

Additional requirements for graduation can be found on the Degree/Certificate Requirements for Graduation page

Unless otherwise noted in individual program requirements, a minimum grade point average of 2.00 in all work attempted at the University of Montana-Missoula is required for graduation. Please see the Academic Policies and Procedures page for information on how your GPA is calculated.

Courses taken to satisfy the requirements of a major, minor, or certificate program must be completed with a grade of C- or better unless a higher grade is noted in the program requirements.


Course Requirements

Required Courses
Complete all of the following courses:
ENST 335LLiterature of the Earth3
ENST 373AWriting the Earth: Workshop on Nature, Environment & Justice3
ENST 398Cooperative Education/Intern3
Complete 3 credits of the following courses:3
Earth Ethics
Culture & Agriculture
Environmental Writing 1
Graduate Seminar 1
Rhetoric, Nature, and Environmentalism
Introductory Nonfiction Workshop
Intermediate Nonfiction Workshop
Advanced Nonfiction Workshop
Writing the News
Total Hours12

To register for ENST 573 and ENST 594, students must have senior standing, a 3.0 GPA, and instructor permission.