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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

History B.A. - History Education

Individuals interested in teaching in K-12 schools must complete a degree in the content area they want to teach plus the Teacher Education Program through the Department of Teaching and Learning. Individuals must complete the teaching track within that degree program, which may contain different course requirements than the academic major since the sequence of courses is designed to meet state standards. Upon completion of the degree program with the teaching track and the secondary licensure program, students will be eligible for a standard Montana teaching license in this content area.

General Degree Requirements

To earn a baccalaureate degree, all students must complete successfully, in addition to any other requirements, the University of Montana General Education Requirements. Please refer to the General Education Requirements page for more information. 

Additional requirements for graduation can be found on the Degree/Certificate Requirements for Graduation page

Unless otherwise noted in individual program requirements, a minimum grade point average of 2.00 in all work attempted at the University of Montana-Missoula is required for graduation. Please see the Academic Policies and Procedures page for information on how your GPA is calculated.

Courses taken to satisfy the requirements of a major, minor, or certificate program must be completed with a grade of C- or better unless a higher grade is noted in the program requirements.


  • Students must be formally admitted to the Teacher Education Program and complete all of the professional education licensure requirements. See the Department of Teaching and Learning in the College of Education for more information.
  • Students who choose to complete the concentration in History Education must also complete the teaching concentration in a major or education minor in a second field.

Course Requirements

Lower-Division Core Courses
Complete one of the following courses: 4
American History I
Honors American History I
American History II
Honors American History II
Complete one of the following courses: 4
Western Civilization I
Honors Western Civilization I
Western Civilization II
Honors Western Civilization II
Complete all of the following courses:
HSTA 255Montana History3
HSTR 200Intro: Historical Methods1
American History Upper-Division Electives 1
Complete 6 credits of the following courses:6
The American Revolution and Founding Era
Early American Republic
American Civil War Era
Birth of Modern US
America in Crisis
U.S. History: WWII to Present
U.S. in the 1950s
U.S. in the 1960s
American Military History
Movie America
African American History to 1865
African American History Since 1865
Voodoo, Muslim, Church: Black Religion
African-American Struggle for Equality
The American South
Women in America: Colonial Period to Civil War
Women in America: From the Civil War to the Present
The History of American Thought to 1865
Alcohol in American History
American Constitutional History
History of American Law
Families & Children in America
Special Topics
The Black Radical Tradition
Prayer & Civil Rights
Research in Montana History
Writing Women's Lives
Special topics
Writing For History
Environmental History
20th Century American West
Historical Research Seminar
World History Electives 2
Complete 9 credits of the following courses: 9
Special Topics
History of the Bible
Early Christianity
God- Past, Puzzle, Present
Colonial Latin America
Modern Latin America
East Asian Civilizations
Islamic Civilization: Classical Age
Terrorism: Violence in the Modern World
Special Topics
Writing For History
The First Historians
Religion and Violence
Origins of Western Religion
Prophets and Prophecy
Latin America: Reform & Revolution
Latin America: Workers & Labor
The History of Capitalism in Latin America, 1492 to the Present
The History of Democracy in Latin America
History of the Ancient Near East
Iran Between Two Revolutions
Nationalism and the Modern Middle East
Special Topics
Independent Study
Historical Research Seminar
Latin American Human Rights & Memory
US-Latin America Relations
Islam and the West
Tradition & Reform in China
Special Topics
Independent Study
Revolution & Reform in Modern China
European Upper-Division History Electives 3
Complete 6 credits of the following courses: 6
Writing For History
Ancient Greece
Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World
Ancient Rome
Age of Absolut 1648-1789
The Roman Empire
European Social and Intellectual History: The 19th Century
European Social and Intellectual History: The 20th Century
Contemporary Europe
Britain 1485-1688
Britain from Revolution to Reform 1688
Modern Britain
Democracy: Ancient to Modern
France Revolution 1789-1848
Modern France
Italy: 1300-1800
Italy: 1800-Present
The Age of Revolutions 1760-1848
Russia to 1881
Russia Since 1881
Germany: Augsburg-Bismarck
Eastern Europe
Practicing Oral History
European Internal Relations
The Great Historians
Upper-Division History Electives
Complete two additional HSTA or HSTR courses at the 300-level and above. 6
Teaching Methods Requirement
Complete the following course:
EDU 497Teaching and Assessing (Methods: 5-12 Social Studies)4
Total Hours43

Courses with American history content offered in other departments may count toward the History major with consent of the History Department Chair.


Courses with World history content offered in other departments may count toward the History major with consent of the History Department Chair.


Courses with European history content offered in other departments may count toward the History major with consent of the History Department Chair.

Advanced Writing in History Requirement
The following courses fulfill the Advanced Wriring Requirement for the major in History
The Black Radical Tradition
Prayer & Civil Rights
Research in Montana History
Historical Research Seminar
US-Latin America Relations

Secondary Teaching Licensure

For endorsement to teach ­­­­­this subject, a student also must gain admission to the Teacher Education Program and meet all the requirements for secondary teaching licensure. For more information, see the Teaching and Learning Department webpage