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University of Montana Catalog 2024-2025

Teaching and Learning M.Ed. - Early Childhood Education

General Graduate Program Requirements

Graduate School policies and standards can be found on the Graduate School Policies page

The minimum GPA for any graduate program is 3.0. Individual programs may require more than a 3.0 to remain in good standing. 

The minimum grade for a course to be accepted toward any requirement is C. Individual programs may require higher grades for specific courses.


  • All requirements for the degree must be completed within 6 years, including successful completion of a departmental comprehensive examination.
  • The Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Teaching and Learning with a concentration in Early Childhood Education is a good choice for currently licensed teachers who are interested in obtaining a Preschool - Third Grade (P-3) endorsement.
  • Individuals who do not have current K-8 licensure can complete this degree for professional development. This option is a good choice for people working in community-based early childhood programs and referral agencies as well as people working with young children and their families in fields such as psychology, social work, sociology, anthropology, pre-medical science, and nursing.
  • The degree is 100% online and aligns with the National Association for the Education for Young Children Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators.

Course Requirements

Core Courses
Complete one of the following foundation of education courses:3
Philosophy of Education
History of American Education
Developmental & Learning Sciences
Complete all of the following courses:
EDU 514Education Across Cultures3
EDU 515Computer/Technological Application in Education3
EDU 518Inclusion and Collaboration3
EDU 520Educational Research3
Early Childhood Education Concentration Courses
Complete all of the following courses:
EDU 501Curriculum Design, Implementation, & Evaluation3
EDEC 508Early Childhood Principles and Practices3
EDEC 515Educational Professionals Working With Families Experiencing Adversity3
EDEC 520Meeting Standards Through Play-Based Environments3
EDEC 530Social and Emotional Development in Young Children3
EDEC 540Neuroscience and Its Impact on Child Development3
EDU 588Action Research in Classroom3
Total Hours36